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Gives a “floating grey” color to softwoods in one application. NUMEROUS POSSIBLE NUANCES (see data sheet)


Manual or industrial applications. For furniture, woodwork, parquet, panelling, cottages – EXTERIOR – INTERIOR. A single application gives a grey patina to softwoods and non-tannic woods by oxidation. It can also be used on oaks with very little tannin.

NEW WOOD: the wood must be sanded and dusted. It can be brushed with an abrasive brush in order to wear out the soft veins.

OLD WOOD: the wood must be sanded, free of varnish, wax and dust.

Mix 150 g, 100 g or 50 g of powder according to the desired color (3, 2 or 1 measure packed) in 1 liter of water. Mix well, let stand 5 to 10 minutes.

MANUAL APPLICATION: By spraying or brushing in abundant and regular layers. After drying, remove the white dust layer using a green abrasive or a single brush with a PAD, then vacuum the dust.

INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION: The product thus prepared is applied in abundant sprays, with a pump or a robot. For consistent application, use a small agitator in the system’s feed tank. The application can be done by temperature of 0>30°, the drying can be done in the tunnel, there is no modification of color. After drying, brush and vacuum (non-abrasive nylon brush). The wood is ready to be finished. It is possible to bleach this color by applying bleaching powder 0698 (see FT).

Wood prepared in this way can be finished, but if you wish to keep the light grey color, we suggest the Insulating Base 0219, which will allow you to apply any type of varnish without changing the color. For outdoor use, we offer our matt anti-UV cottage oil 07701.

ADJUSTMENT: There are powders more or less oxidizing according to the quality of the wood and the desired result (0849 – 0849/1 – 0849/2 – 0849/3), which will allow you to choose the powder best suited to your wood.

Yield: 7 to 9 m2 per liter depending on the porosity of the soil.

Information given in good faith, but we are not responsible for it.

see data sheet

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